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  • Maxime MaufraMay 17, 1861 - May 23, 1918
  • Maxime Maufra was a French landscape and marine painter, etcher and lithographer. In his paintings, Maufra sometimes quoted the pointillisit technique of Pissarro or Sisley, and also took from the strong colors and powerful drawing of the Pont Aven school. However, Maufra stayed an independent artist his all life through, and dedicated his art to recording the beauty of nature.
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All sizes listed are standard, but we offer oil paintings in a suitable size, painted in proportion to the original.
  • 199
  • The Cliffs at Beg-ar-Fry, Saint-Jean-du-Doigt
  • The Cliffs at Beg-ar-Fry, Saint-Jean-du-Doigt
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 200
  • The Cliffs at Polhor, Morgat
  • The Cliffs at Polhor, Morgat
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 201
  • The Coast at Fort Penthievre, Quiberon Peninsula
  • The Coast at Fort Penthievre, Quiberon Peninsula
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 202
  • The Coastline in Brittany
  • The Coastline in Brittany
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 203
  • The Cove at Cape Suzon
  • The Cove at Cape Suzon
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 204
  • The Creek Shore of Quibero
  • The Creek Shore of Quibero
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 205
  • The Dam of a Loir Ponce
  • The Dam of a Loir Ponce
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 206
  • The Descending Street at Locronan
  • The Descending Street at Locronan
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 207
  • The Dunes of Port Blanc near Ile de Quiberon
  • The Dunes of Port Blanc near Ile de Quiberon
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 208
  • The Embankment of Lagny under Flood Water
  • The Embankment of Lagny under Flood Water
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 209
  • The fishermen (Les Pecheurs)
  • The fishermen (Les Pecheurs)
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 210
  • The Golden Sea - Quiberon
  • The Golden Sea - Quiberon
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 211
  • The Harbor at Goulphar, Belle-Ile-en-Mer
  • The Harbor at Goulphar, Belle-Ile-en-Mer
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 212
  • The High Island (La Haute Ile)
  • The High Island (La Haute Ile)
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 213
  • The Icy Pond, Avray
  • The Icy Pond, Avray
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 214
  • The Jetty at Pontivy, Morbihan
  • The Jetty at Pontivy, Morbihan
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 215
  • The Leguenay Bridge, Bruges
  • The Leguenay Bridge, Bruges
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
  • 216
  • The Marne at Champigny
  • The Marne at Champigny
  • Maxime Maufra
  • 20 X 24 in
  • $95.95
  • other sizes available
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