John Singer SargentJan 12, 1856 - Apr 14, 1925
John Singer Sargent was an American painter by birth-right, and a leading portrait painter of his era. He loved his country yet he spent most of his life in Europe. He was the most celebrated portraitist of his time but left it at the very height of his fame to devote full time to landscape painting, water colors and public art.
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John Singer Sargent Paintings
All sizes listed are standard, but we offer oil paintings in a suitable size, painted in proportion to the original.
- Santa Maria della Salute c.1909
John Singer Sargent
- 20 X 24 in
- $136.95
- other sizes available
- Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
John Singer Sargent
- 20 X 24 in
- $95.95
- other sizes available
- Scene with Arab Women (A Shaded Pathway in the Orient)
John Singer Sargent
- 20 X 24 in
- $116.95
- other sizes available
- Seascape with Rocks (Sea and Rock)
John Singer Sargent
- 20 X 24 in
- $95.95
- other sizes available
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