George StubbsAug 25, 1724 - Jul 10, 1806
George Stubbs was an English painter who is the greatest painter of horses in British art and arguably the best in the history of art. George Stubbs' subjects may reflect the romantic idealism of their age but they are lifted above the sentimental by their skilful composition and intense observation which generate the gravitas that marks all great art.
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George Stubbs Paintings
All sizes listed are standard, but we offer oil paintings in a suitable size, painted in proportion to the original.
- Whistlejacket
George Stubbs
- 20 X 24 in
- $136.95
- other sizes available
- White Poodle in a Punt
George Stubbs
- 20 X 24 in
- $136.95
- other sizes available
- William Anderson with Two Saddle-Horses
George Stubbs
- 20 X 24 in
- $196.95
- other sizes available
- William Evelyn on Horse
George Stubbs
- 20 X 24 in
- $175.95
- other sizes available
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